Top 10 Holiday outdoor items & gifts 2023

Oct 21, 2023

So, here is the thing.

2023 has not been the best economically. 

BUT, now is our chance to capitalize on the sales! 

Spruce up your rental properties or snag a couple of these for your own home!!! Dont forget the men in your life that are OH so hard to buy for. If youre waiting out for the 'perfect' thing, STOP...DONT over think it. Any of these items are sure to give the outdoor enthusiest in your life a glistening bit of holiday cheer and thoughtfulness!

1.  100 Gallon Storage Box

storage box outdoor storage

Storage Box <<<LINK>>>

This bad boy is 47% off for $89, cheaper than what I paid this summer. Off season (aka fall) is a GREAT time to snag outdoor items after the peak summer buy times.

We store ALL of our outdoor beach equipment at our condos in this bad boy, and it holds up SO well to the salty air.

2.  Waterproof JBP Speaker

jbp speaker outdoor waterproof

This speaker<<<LINK>>>

is HOT! I mean, waterproof? Mount it on your porch no need for big speakers or complicated systems. Or sit it on your counter (what we do) and the music just radiates. Guests love to hook this to their phone. 

($129 deal alert)

3.  Outdoor Solar Powered Lights

solar lights

You wont find this deal at Lowes, these are <30 bucks with a coupon for 40%. off! Check It OUT <<<LINK HERE >>>>

4.  Love sharing personal photos (that actually turned out good!)

These we have not at our rental but on our own home! I loooove the romantic feel

48-feet solar powered strong lights for $32!!!

5.  Patio Furniture

This Egg Chair ^^^

The EXACT one we use is below, you can see the purchase date, and the one we most likely get a ton of bookings from. It has been ourcover photo ever since we started, and i have had several families tell me the design or "egg chair" specifically even caught them or their child's attention and made them book. HOW POWERFUL can design be?! extremely

This chair is already marked at 269!!!


6. Outdoor warming options

This heater is $100 and at that price point, you can satisfy all needs as far as keeping your business budget happy and your renters warm. Check out the safety reviews and trip hazard they have. 


7. Lanterns

So, ill be completely honest. In making my list, I always jump around in my mind to various properties to make sure all markets are covered. All seasons as well. This snuck up on me...while I would expect my cabin / mountain properties to have this due to the size of the property outdoors, hills, parking situations, and needing that extended light in the dark, i had never thought about my home in an emergency power outage what my guests would do. (always room for improvement, i am humbled)

LINK Battery Powered 2-pack lanterns

8. Mosquito / Bug Repellent

I know, I know. Bug spray is usually the first thing on my packing list too. How could anyone forget this essential for vacationing!?!?

Something like this, which comes in a two pack and has natrual, plant-based products is something I would use for my OWN family. And I am happy to share this with my guests as well. I may not be organic everything, but I DO know the difference between healthy and effecitive alternatives and just spraying chemicals mindlessly around praying for the best. 

Eucalyptus & Lemon Oil Mosquito Spray LINK

9. Fire Pits & Stovetop Burners

Now, I know you may be thinking who would really appreciate this small of a 'fire pit'. One you can put on your table top. Ill tell you who.....YOUR KIDS! And, when you remind guests to bring stuff for marshmellows, OR even put marshmellow kits in a welcome basket to use.....DONE!!!! Your welcome for that idea. My 4-year-old is a smores finatic. So please, tell me who else has this at their short term rental!?

Tabletop, SMALL outdoor fire LINK HEre

This little booger is $99!!! And I would love to sit next to this, take a selfie with the mountains in the background, a pool lit up nearby, i mean COME ON!!! 

Blue Lava Rock Propane Outdoor fire Pit Link <HERE>


I know right, you dont think of 'stroller' when you think of outdoor (unless youre a mom). me out when I say this would be a game-changer for a family. We actually leave one in our rental, and our guests have asked beforehand if they were flying in or had a long drive.

Guests appreciate this! This necessity is huge to a momma of young kiddos. This one is $110, and is a great brand so should last through a few seasons.

Say it with me. Check the amenity box. Get higher up in rankings....its that easy. 

Order the simple Fold Away Safety first stroller here <<<LINK>>>

And for our outdoor summary, my thoughts are some of these items are a little 'unncessary' in the grand scheme of things. BUT ALL of these items will be used by your guests and appreciated.

All of the links above are amazon affiliate links, where I am paid through their affiliate program a percentage of any item above you choose to support. I thank you in advance for your time and hope youll follow my future posts and lists for hosts!!!