Best Amazon Prime Day Deals for Kids - Boy Mom Edition
Back To School Checklist
From Back Packs to Tennis Shoes, we personally cant afford to wait until tax free week for all of our needs. Plus the 6% we would save is highly trumped by the 60% off deal some of these items boast! See what our top back to school items include:

Bentgo Lunchbox
Ello Water Bottle
Pencil Sharpener
Back Pack
Tennis Shoes
This Bentgo Lunchbox is essential to us saving money each season - with interchangeable tops / refillable inserts the kids LOVE when mom packs their lunch.

The Ashboo Backpack takes the place for us for a state back pack which would run us about $55- color block and holds up great - this amazon version is the perfect size and style - our new prek3 boy is SO excited asking "can i have that right now momma". This size is the 12L which will fit a filder and small books!

One item I also found were these stride rite shoes! With two young boys, i LOVE a good dress sneaker! They are wither wearing nice, dressier clothes/school clothes OR flip flips! With Stride Rite usually runny $40-$50, these are $29 with a %33 off discount ETHAN BOYS SHOES LINK HERE

Top Learning, Bath & Outdoor Toys on Sale
From a family that is blessed and well loved on, and to the momma who has two boys within the last 5 years, there are only so many things your home can be filled with before you start hoarding the same exact toys over and over. From trucks, to trians, to different train tracks, and bigger or smaller trucks, boy things are pretty repetitive I feel like at this point! BUT these finds made it on our list with a purchase redeeming my credit card points and finishing out brooks' birthday list, we were able to score some neat finds!
Bath toys are always needed as it is becoming harder to get them excited about bath time! Golf is a new favorite. And in florida, the heat rips a part our stomp rockets every few months. But that just means now I get to score 28% off this week! I will take it!

With Brooksy going into prek 3 he will be refining his shapes AND colors, and seeing the numbers in order is also pivital to him having that foundation. He is a puzzle LOVER so im excited to have this one on the way.
Montesorri Puzzle
Trains/Trucks/Boats Puzzle
Seek & Splash Bath Toy
Jewels, treasure, bath, water table OR pool! We move around our jewels a LOT both indoors and out! We love the imagination that comes with anything and everything jewel. The Seek & Splash Bath Toy set comes with all of the items below and instruction cards to help with the interactive game it is meant to be!

Im calling this one the mad scientist bath bomb toys - if there is one thing that will bring our oldest to the bath it is mixing and excitement of watching things change color, make messes, or both ;) Im super excited to share with him the fun of color changes and cause/effect. Fizzy Bath Bombs

Blue Gel Maze
Munchkin Bath Bomb Buddy Fizzer
Magnetic Tubes
Stomp Rocket
Golf Set

Checkout our full list and get the link to our other shopable blogs on instagram at @coastalbeachgetaways
On our socials you can also discover many of these items you will find at one of our rental properties! (Hint, the kids' toys we stock at certain properties will eventually be some of these toys we try out and test for safety / quallity then move over for more fun by our guests!) We always want to include three things for our guests - Safe entertainment - group play - Easy to Find Games.
It is always our mission to allow parents to relax at our rentals and really sit back, do less entertaining, and more enjoying.
Happy Prime Week, I hope our fun last-minute summer + early back to school finds helps you and your family create an exciting list for the ones that matter the most!

XoXo - Leah